I met with a friend this morning who presented me with a copy of her new book! I haven’t been in touch with her since we left Brookings last November .. and in that short period of time she has tangible evidence of what can happen when someone decides to focus on a single project until it is finished.
After she left I forced myself to focus on a chapter that I had already posted on this site. I spent some time editing it and have re-posted this new draft. I’m going to use this blog as a place to post these early drafts and invite feedback….
Draft -Key 3 Vocabulary (7-11-16)
PS …. Check out Sue’s new book!!! My Turn: Women Speak Out
Hi, Berma,
Yup, this is the revised edition.
I appreciate the congratulations. Revising was lots of work.
This is the second edition, correct? I loved the first, Sue. Congratulations!!